

Verulam Rocks!
(Aug 2016)

Verulam Rocks!
(Oct 2014)

Paperlate ProgRock Radio
(June 2013)

Verulam Rocks!
(Jun 2013)

Fusion Show – Part 1

Fusion Show – Part 2


Batteur (Nov 2016) – in French

Progressive Rock Central
with Angel Romero (July 2013)

On Occultus Tramitis you feature an impressive lineup of renowned international fusion musicians. How did you connect with all the guests?

I simply connected with them via emails… it was pretty straightforward. I sometimes had to be patient as the musician I contacted was on tour or busy with other projects. In the case of Scott Henderson and Simon Phillips, the initial contact had been made a while back, but it took some time before the sessions actually happened. t was of course an honor to be able to have all those great musicians playing my music. […]

Thunder Row
with ‘Elmeaux’ (September 2013)

Describe your process of composing.

I use jazz theory as a language which is a practical way to analyse my music and to communicate with my collaborators. But overall I would say that my approach to composition is intuitive. Saying that, I’m aware of what I do and always make a conscious effort not to repeat myself too much, and not use the same formula over and over. This is why I think my music ends up being pretty eclectic. […]
with Robert Silverstein (September 2013)

Your 2013 CD is titled Occultus Tramitis. You say in the CD liner notes, the title actually means “Hidden Track”. What does the title signify to you, how did the album come together and over the period of time, where and when was the music written and recorded?

The title was inspired by the photograph on the cover which was taken by Jean-Pierre Dodel who is an old friend of mine. It also represents that the music I create is, like it is for most independent musicians, hidden from mainstream news / music outlets. It doesn’t have a lot of visibility. Some of my listeners perhaps accidentally found what I do which is like finding something that was hidden. […]

Via Nocturna (in Portuguese)
with Pedro Carvalho (November 2016)

Viva, Antoine, tudo bem contigo? Novo álbum e, pela primeira vez, um título que não é em latim. Significa que algo mudou?

Olá, Pedro! Em primeiro lugar, quero agradecer o teu apoio ao longo dos anos! Simplesmente, o título do novo álbum foi inspirado pela imagem na capa e pensei num título francês para variar (com o “è” acentuado em Sphère). Uma palavra que, obviamente tem a mesma ortografia em inglês. Mas o facto de não ter usado um título em latim não é sinal de que algo importante tenha mudado. Tento sempre lançar o melhor álbum que posso. […]

RockTimes (in German)
with Steve Braun (December 2014)

Zunächst einmal vielen Dank, Antoine, dass Du Dir die Zeit für unsere Fragen nimmst. ‘Occultus Tramitis’, ‘Ad Perpetuum’ und nun ‘Timeless Momentum’… Hast Du ein Faible für antike Sprachen und wenn ja, warum?

Es sieht definitiv so aus, als müsste alles, was ich herausbringe, auf Lateinisch sein! Doch ich liebe einfach nur den Klang dieser Sprache, aber selbstverständlich ist auch deren Bedeutung im jeweiligen Kontext relevant. Wie die Musik, muss sich auch der Klang der Worte gut anfühlen. Aber vielleicht habe ich jetzt wirklich genug Latein bemüht. Ich denke, dass es nun an der Zeit für eine andere alte Sprache ist! […]

Via Nocturna (in Portuguese)
with Pedro Carvalho (September 2013)

Olá Antoine! Obrigado por este tempo com Via Nocturna! Este é já o teu segundo lançamento, por isso gostaria de questionar-te a respeito do que mudou desde a tua estreia?

Uma coisa diferente em relação ao primeiro álbum é que a música em Occultus Tramitis é um pouco menos centrada em torno da guitarra clássica. Na globalidade este novo disco tem, provavelmente, um som mais fusion e é definitivamente mais intenso. […]


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